My Failed Attempt to Cram 4 Months of My Life into One Suitcase

Before I get into topic of this blogpost, I just wanted to announce that this is my first ever blogpost on my first ever blog! I never would have thought of myself as a blogger, but I’ve always loved to write/give advice, so I guess it was only a matter of time. Anyway, here’s to a semester of firsts! I can’t wait to bring you guys along with me.

Now, back to the topic at hand-what many of us dread (although I’d do it a million times in lieu of its opposite): packing.

To be honest, this title is slightly misleading. Rather than cramming 4 months of my life into one suitcase, I am actually cramming 4 months of my life into one large suitcase, a carry on, and a backpack.

Here is a picture of my bed pre-packing:

(I’ll make a more in-depth post about what I actually packed later).

In less than 24 hours, I will be en route to Copenhagen, Denmark…after a quick-and by quick I mean 2.5 hours- layover in Zurich. With so little time on my hands, you’d think that I’d be all set to go right?


As I’m writing this post, my carry-on is bursting at the seams, my room is in shambles, and my to-be-checked luggage is 5 kg over the limit. So needless to say, life is a bit of a mess right now.

But I suppose that I am just getting a little sneak-peak of my time in Denmark. Because as great as studying abroad is going to be, I also know that there are going to be a lot of unexpected mishaps along the way.

But I think learning to handle those mishaps is half the fun.

Enough philosophical talk. I have a suitcase to pack (or unpack). The next time you hear from me, I will (hopefully) be writing from my new home in Denmark.

Farvel! (I totally didn’t just look up the Danish word for “good-bye”.)